Sunday, February 21, 2010

Usb flash drive icon changes into folder icon

This issue may have resulted from a virus infection on the machine the drive was plugged into.

You’ll need to delete the file autoruns.inf located on your flash drive.

By default, Windows hides this file, so before you can delete it you must make a couple of changes (you may reverse these after you’ve finished):

Open My Computer
Folder Options…
Click on the View tab
Under “Hidden files and folder” choose “Show hidden files and folders”
Remove the tick from “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)

Go back to My Computer and click on your flash drive. If you can’t open it that way, try right clicking on it and choose “Explore.”

Find the autoruns.inf file, right click on it and choose “Delete.” Confirm “Yes.”

Unplug and re-plug the drive in. You should be back to normal.

Hope that helps.


Anonymous said...

Hey, thank you very much for the solution, however when I delete the autorun.inf file there will an error deleting file or folder. In the prompt it says cannot delete autorun: it is being used by another person or program.

How and where can I close this program so as to delete? Thanks a lot!

John Frag said...

Do you have error messages?, like :
Cannot delete file: Access is denied
There has been a sharing violation.
The source or destination file may be in use.
The file is in use by another program or user.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

If yes, our progam will be helpful for you.

Windows Explorer/FAR would fail to copy/delete/rename any pathname longer than 256 characters. Our program LONG PATH Tool can handle pathnames of any length, up to the internal Windows limit of 32,000 characters.

Easy-to-use concept. This small and compact LONG PATH Tool is designed to provide nice, simple interface and a solid amount of options.
Fast speed of long path folder/files search.
No special system requirements. LONG PATH Tool works on any Windows version (NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7).
Delete system locked files
Can delete files even from mapped network folders
Can list files and paths which have file path more than 200 characters long.
Close application that uses the file
Unload locking process
Copy and delete files and folders
Delete after reboot
Omits file name you specified is not valid or too long